Simple Estate Gold - £1,955

Complete Service from start to finish, includes Registry Fee & VAT

Simple Estate Gold - £1,955

Probate can essentially be broken down into 3 stages (see 3 Stages of Probate), and all the stages are included in our Simple Estate Gold service.

Stage1 – information gathering – all asset holders (banks, building societies, share registrars, insurance companies, .gov) are contacted and details of the value of shares/accounts at the date of death are requested and obtained.

Stage2 – the technical part – we take all the information obtained in stage 1 and turn this into probate – we complete all the paperwork for HMRC and the probate registry, fulfilling all requirements.

Stage 3 – asset realisation and distribution – we write again to all asset holders asking for funds to be released to a designated client account in the deceased’s name, and distribute as per the terms of the will

We complete all your taxation requirements for the estate, if there's any income tax or capital gains tax on the estate itself.

Our Gold service include the following if you require them:
1.    Deed of variation to vary the distribution of the estate – perhaps direct to a child or grandchild, or to an alternate recipient
2.    Forms to transfer house ownership at Land Registry (not required if you are selling the property)

click here to get started
"We provide one point of contact - You will deal with the same person from start to finish.  You will have their phone number and email address and can contact them any time of the day or night - they'll answer as soon as they can, often out of hours."
Imogen Davidson - Founder & Director of UK Probate